
01243 967111 

Phone Lines Open: Mon-Fri 9.30am-2.30pm, Sat 10am-2pm


Emergency Contact:


Opening times:

Monday – Sunday
09:00am to 16:00pm

By Appointment Only for Animal Viewings


The Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre,
Holborow Lodge, Chalder Lane,
Sidlesham, Chichester,
West Sussex
PO20 7RJ

    Looking to Develop A Corporate Partnership?

    If you are an organisation and would like to learn more about how you can support The Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre and how your audience can appreciate your charitable activities through a corporate partnership, please get in touch by email

    If you have any good quality goods that you would like to donate to our shop, it would be very much appreciated.

    CRRC - Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre © All Rights Reserved | Website design by Interpro