Adopt a Golden Oldie

All Cats & Kittens are

Neutered / Spayed

Part or Fully Vaccinated


Up-to-date Flea & Worm Prevention

Health & Dental Checked

Covered by a 4 week Pet Plan vet insurance from the date you adopt

Before adopting, please ensure you are located within our catchment area.

All cats over the age of 12 years are classed as Golden Oldies and can be rehomed at a reduced adoption fee of £50.

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Boysie & Gloria


Cat Friendly

All Children

About MeHi there, my names Boysie the handsome black and white boy who is nearly 12 and this is my lovely mum Gloria who is…



Only Pet

Children Years 10+

About MeHello! My names Brady the distinguished black and white man who is nearly 14 years old. I first came to the centre back in…

Why Choose a Golden Oldie?

Older cats can make great companions and often love to spend their time at home on a warm lap enjoying your company they will also stay closer to home rather than roaming.

Cats can live to late teens and older so still have many years to give still enjoying playtime too. Unfortunately, these cats are quite often overlooked due to their age.

Catchment Area

Depending on what animal you are looking to adopt and the type of home visit you require we can rehome in up to a 40 mile radius of the centre in Sidlesham.

If your not sure you fall within the catchment are please feel free to email before applying.