

Donating to our Centre

At the centre our animals love when you leave something for them – both our animals who are waiting for their forever home and our residents are always looking for new toys and snacks but many other things are also in high demand. You can drop animal donations to The Centre any day between 9am-4pm, please place them in the animal donations shed (no items for the shops accepted). We welcome the following donations at the centre:


The Animals at The Centre would love to receive donations of:

  • Animal food and treats (cat, rabbit and guinea pig)
  • Toys
  • Bedding
  • Scratch poles
  • Cat carriers
  • Bedding
  • Towels (if you can cut them up for us, even better, approximately 30x30cm)
  • Sheets and pillow cases
  • Pillows and cushions
  • Carpet pieces
  • Mouse knitters & stuffers (patterns are available – double knit wool is preferred)
  • Catnip for mouse knitters


Not only our animals enjoy the gifts you leave for us. We also have a human wish list if you have any items you would like to donate. The humans are looking for:

  • Black Bin Liners
  • Washing Up Liquid
  • Dishwasher Tablets
  • Kitchen Rolls
  • Thin Bleach
  • Dustpan & brushes
  • Hand Pump Soap
  • Rubber Gloves (all sizes)
  • A4 Photocopy Paper (plain)
  • Toilet Rolls

Give On The Go

Amazon wish list is another great way of supporting us. Our Amazon charity wish list includes all the essential items the animals in our care need to keep comfortable and happy while they are with us.

Every week, our animals get through a considerable amount of bedding, food and toys. And an incredible way you can help us today, is by purchasing an item or two from our wish lists… Our animals would really appreciate it.

Easy fundraising - feel good shopping

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into donations for the Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre, at no cost to you. Just visit your favourite retailers through the easyfundraising.org.uk and the shop as normal. Once you’ve made a purchase the retailer will then make a small donation to your chosen cause to say “thank you”. All you have to do is to choose the Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre as the cause you want to support.

You can also support us by purchasing from our eBay store by clicking below.